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"It was very useful to get to know how the Israeli eco-system works, to meet with the different start-ups as well as The Builders and The Floor and learning about their role in the commercialization of Isreali tech-companies in cooperation with global players"

Benedicte Schilbred Fasmer

Konserndirektør Bedriftsmarked Group Executive Vice President of Corporate Banking

Dear Eliran, Or, Jon Christian, Gustav, and Tiril,

On behalf of the DNB team, I would like to thank you for a very interesting stay in Tel Aviv.
You made an excellent and very relevant program for us, and as discussed there are several opportunities to follow-up going forward.

It was very useful to get to know how the Israeli eco-system works, to meet with the different start-ups as well as The Builders and The Floor and learning about their role in the commercialization of Isreali tech-companies in cooperation with global players. Not the least was in very inspiring to meet and exchange views with Bank Leumi and Citibank who, despite very different countries and markets, have very similar challenges to ourselves.

Please forward our gratitude to Mr. Vardi and Mr. Porath for taking the time to meet with us. It was most enjoyable and useful to get to know them both.

On a personal note, I highly appreciate your excellent food and hospitality. The visit to Jerusalem was the perfect finish of a great visit!

Thanks and kind regards

Benedicte Schilbred Fasmer
Konserndirektør Bedriftsmarked
Group Executive Vice President of Corporate Banking

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